Tuesday 11 October 2016

Shoot Three - Work Diary

In this shoot I wanted to explore the pattern and movement of clouds, as clouds are a simple form of nature, and many people don't admire and appreciate their beauty and simplicity enough. I was inspired by Steiglitz's images of clouds in this shoot as he influenced me to look at clouds abstractly and also to edit my images into black and white, in order to create a more sinister view of the otherwise considered 'innocent' objects. 
I shot my images outside, there was not a specific locations where my images were shot, as I photographed them over several days whenever I saw an interesting cloud pattern/shape when I had my camera with me. I shot my images from below the clouds, as I obviously didn't have the resources to be high up within the clouds themselves. 

Best Photograph:

This photograph was taken in my local town of Waltham Abbey, I edited this image in Photoshop using the black and white tool- in order to explore the tonal range of the clouds. The fact that the clouds are not distinct and are slightly blurred suggests that an emotion of confusion is present in this image. Clouds are seen to be linked to God-like figures, therefore these clouds may be representing God's emotions. 

 Worst Photograph:
This image is my worst from the shoot, as I have not explored the tonal range to full capacity by editing too harshly, although I do like the jet black, bleak sky I do not like how clear cut the overall image is, as I prefer the more blurred clouds which create emotions of confusion. 

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