Friday, 14 October 2016

Shoot Five - Straight Images

I chose to overlap images or my subjects and nature (trees/flowers) in order to show how we consist of nature even though we may not be aware of this. In the image the green leaves are extremely bold, and overpower some parts of the image, I did this in order to show how nature is the dominant force by using the curves tool to make the leaves slightly darker so they would be more bold. 

Picture of the subject:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/80

Picture of the leaves:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/100

This photograph is slightly more subtle than my previous image as the leaves are more dull; however the individual's face is evidently made up of leaves and branches, this is to show how our brain (the foundation of our body) relies on nature around us to thrive; therefore we must care for nature if we are to live freely. 

Picture of the subject:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/100

Picture of the leaves:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/100

The smaller leaves used in the photograph create more texture within this image, by submerging the individual's face in these little green leaves. I shot my image of the subject from a low position in order to make them appear tall and bold, despite being controlled by these tiny green leaves which make up the individual's body. 

Picture of the subject:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/80

Picture of the tree:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/100

This image is one of my best due to the individuals smile in this image, representing that with nature we can thrive and be happy. The jacket of the individual is thoroughly consistent of leaves, literally showing how this girl is made through and with nature. The fact that part of the individual's face is gone due to me only placing the leaves over part of her face shows how without nature we would fade away.
Picture of the subject:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/100

Picture of the tree:
ISO- 200
F- 5.6
Shutter speed- 1/80

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