In this image the woman's hair is clearly being blown by a blower, in order to achieve the effect of the movement of her hair. A slight shadow is on the left of the woman's shoulder which isn't completely high key lighting; however, I like this effect as it adds to the overall effect of the image. I would like to recreate this image when I shoot my images in the studio , as I admire the movement of the hair in this image.
This image represents high key lighting effectively as the background is over-exposed, and you can clearly see all of the child's face, with a minimum amount of shadow. The use of this technique in the image creates an innocent atmosphere surrounding the child. The child's eyes are sharp, and bursting with colour this draws the viewers eyes into the image, and makes it interesting. Moreover, the child's bottom lip is a dark red-pink this again catches your eye, due tot he dark hole in the middle of the child's mouth.
All of the woman's face is in focus, despite the slight shadowing down the right-hand side of the face, which could changed by placing another light to the right of the woman's face. The symmetrical aspect of the face again makes this image appealing, combining with the neckless around the female's neck which grabs the attention of the viewer, as it's chunky and sparkly.
This image is extremely over-exposed and therefore demonstrates the high key lighting technique well. The female's skin appears smooth and clear, this is due to the background lighting being on a low f stop, which would allow the lighting reflecting of the white background to be over-exposed, therefore making the individual's face lighter.
This image demonstrates the high key lighting technique well as parts of the female's face are over-exposed slightly, which allows the viewer to deduce that the f stop on the background camera's must be low, in order to allow lots of light in. I prefer the images when they hold colour as this is more interesting, and allows you to easily see the different tones of colour.
This image differs from the others as it's taken of an animal to show this effect. This makes the dog appear innocent, as the lighting is bright and fun. It would be interesting to use this effect on a dog which many people are scared of (e.g. a pit bull) as this 'innocent' lighting may change perceptions of the animal, however I do not have the resources to do this, and it doesn't fit with my project theme.
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