Tuesday 10 January 2017

Shoot Thirteen - Straight Images

All of my straight images below explore the idea of 'death', through the use of mouldy fruit (a pomegranate.) Overall all of my images below use low key lighting, in order to mirror the death theme further through the use of the black, which links to funerals in the viewers mind, again linking to the idea of loosing someone/something. In order to achieve the mould I left the fruit cut open for a week in a dark/warm cupboard in order to allow the mould to sprout; the mould is evident in all of the images below profusely as the green-blue mould contrasts the red-orange of the pomegranate effectively. I wanted to shoot with the negative space surrounding the object in order to create the idea that the black aroun dth object is the individual's attending the funeral of the object in colour and focus (pomegranate.) 

ISO - 200
F - 32
Shutter Speed- 1/250

ISO - 200
F - 10
Shutter Speed- 1/125

ISO - 200
F - 25
Shutter Speed- 1/250

ISO - 200
F - 25
Shutter Speed- 1/250

ISO - 200
F - 25
Shutter Speed- 1/250

ISO - 200
F - 25
Shutter Speed- 1/250

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