Tuesday 10 January 2017

Computer Experiment 3

Selection Tool: 

The above image is the photograph in its originally form; the below image is what my outcome of editing in photoshop looks like. I used the selection told in order to highlight the areas I wanted to change into black and white, leaving the three main stems of the plant at the front unselected, as I wanted these to be kept in colour. I like the overall appearance of the image, as the black and white edit of the background makes the viewer focus where I want them to- on the 3 main stems which are in colour. Using the selection tool allows me to control where I want the viewer to look, and what I want them to see/know about the image. This changes the meaning of the overall image as the connotation from my image links to what the media portray about global warming and pollution, as the media doesn't cover this topic enough despite this becoming a continuous, and ever-growing serious issue. 

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