Tuesday 3 January 2017

Shoot Eleven - Straight Images

These images of a pomegranate create gruesome links within the viewers mind, due to the red colouring of the fruit linking to the image of blood. Within this shoot I didn't want to explore depth, I wanted to explore how everyday objects could be made into ambiguous and cringeworthy environments, with the use of a macro lens. The blood links to the connotation of death in the viewers mind, which would then create an uneasy feel in the audience as this fruit may represent decaying flesh, likewise to what occurs when individuals pass away. I chose to photograph this shoot in the studio in order to have control over my lighting, and angles at which I photographed these images of the fruit. As a whole, I believe this shoot was effective as the red coloured juice creates ambiguity, and disgust within the viewer.

ISO- 200
F - 22
Shutter Speed- 1/200

ISO- 200
F - 22
Shutter Speed- 1/200

ISO- 200
F - 22
Shutter Speed- 1/200

ISO- 200
F - 32
Shutter Speed- 1/200

ISO- 200
F - 22
Shutter Speed- 1/200

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