Tuesday 10 January 2017

Computer Experiment 5

Selection Tool:

The above photographs are my two original images which I used to create the overall image below. I created this final image by using the selection tool to select certain parts of the first image above (the white flower), and then using the curser to drag these flowers over onto my base image (the second image above), I completed this several times, whilst strategically placing my flowers onto the image and resizing them using cmd T. I believe the overall final image )as shown below) works well as the new edited flowers appear real, not artificial. When placing the new flowers onto the image I was extremely careful to ensure the shadowing on the flowers match those which are already in the image, this allows the image to flow as a whole more effectively; if I needed to edit any of the flowers I would select their layer, and use the 'curves' tool to do this. The overall image has more detail than its original image and is also more aesthetically appealing due to the mix of colours. 

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