Tuesday 27 September 2016

Multiple Exposure - Image Bank

This image is extremely interesting as the clouds which make up the individual appear to be overtaking her thoughts, this implies that she may be in confusion, or over-thinking. I admire the black and white colour of the above image, as this highlights the definition within the clouds, and the female's face. I also admire how the viewer can clearly see the shape of the female, due to the perfectly white background against the darker tone of the girl.

The above image inspires me, as the building is placed vertically which is unusual, and uncommon. The different lengths of the pillars on the building make up the shape of the females head. The individual's hair looks like trees/roots which the building is built upon. I would like to attempt to recreate an image similar to this when I shoot my images, as it interests me how the pillars add to the shape of the head, to do this I would have to rotate my image in photoshop.

This image fits my nature theme as the hand is almost simulating the 'hand of nature' due to the hand consisting of leaves. This image appears to be not as realistic as some of the other images above, due to the white layer which is over the top of the leaves, therefore it's easy to deduce that this image was edited in photoshop. I could use tho image as inspiration for my project, it would also  allow me to include this technique in my project. 

This image is in colour which is different to the images above which are all in black and white. The woman's skin on her face appears to be flakey, like it's cracking, this adds texture to the image overall. The two separate images of the tree, and the woman appear to be extremely well merged here, this shows it was highly likely to be edited on photoshop. Moreover, the tree appears as though it's breaking through the woman's skin, I would like to attempt something similar to this, however I'm not sure how I would edit my image to achieve a similar outcome in photoshop. 

This image gives off the impression it's cold, and crisp due to the cool colours used (e.g. blues.) I admire how the cliff top which breaks the woman's face in half, appears as though it's a sharp jaw line, this adds character to the image. You cannot see the woman's skin in this image, only the image of the landscape consumes her face, this may suggest ambiguity about who the woman is. 

The black and white colours of this image help highlight the contrast in the different tones which are held in this photo. The two images consist of a boy, and an urban landscape, this would fit my theme well as I'm exploring nature, both man-made and natural. The boys expression is blank; the fact that we can only see one of his eye may suggest that the boy is blind, or that doesn't like what he sees in his environment reflected in his blank expression. 

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