Friday 16 September 2016

Macro Photography - Definition Post

Close up photography-  these shots are close up images, with frame tightly an object or individual. This technique is often used in portraiture, as you focus solely on one object/person, this can also be known as macrophotography.
Below is the lens which would be used on a camera to photograph close up images:
Manual focus is used in close-up photography in order to attempt and focus on everything in the image, and ensure all is clear. If you do not have a macro lens (a lens specific for close-up photography), then you can stand further back from your subject and zoom in, in order to allow you lens to focus on all of the image, as your lens would not be capable of this if you were standing too close to the subject. Despite this, if you do obtain a macro lens then you can get as close as you like to the subject. Some close-up images have blurred backgrounds, with the focus only on the subject.

The image above is an example of a close-up image, as all of the subject is in focus. This image allows us to see the object in a way which we ay not see in everyday life. 

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