Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Shoot Seven - Image Bank

The sun in the background of this image creates a connotation as though it may be coming from a God-like figure, as the beam of light is extremely powerful and travels far, suggesting it's supernatural; furthermore the clouds surround this beam of light, as though they're an army surrounding its commander. The beams of light are evident to the viewer, as they pierce the blue skyline, this too suggests they have power and significance due to their vast spread.

The deep purples and pinks explored in this image create and extremely relaxed atmosphere within the viewer, as purple is linked to calmness; this corresponds with the state of the sea, which is also calm and tranquil, implying that nature is calm when it's left alone, with no one interfering with this. The fact that nature is calm with no humans present suggests that if humans leave nature to be then it could thrive, this also raises the question that we need nature (water, light...) to survive, but it does not need our aid in order to survive.

The dark silhouette of the foreground in this image creates ambiguity, and a loss of identity within this photograph; this symbolises that due to issues like deforestation nature has lost its identity, and its voice, implying its always pushed aside. The purples, blues, oranges and yellows all combine within the sky to create a sunset along the skyline, this allows the viewer to infer that it's becoming late at night. 

The dark blues in this image create a cold and uneasy atmosphere, moreover the clouds appear as though they're surrounding the single house, which lays central in the image- this then arises the question as to why this is occurring? Again, the silhouette of the house creates ambiguity as the viewer doesn't know what the house looks like, or who inhabits this house which is in the middle of nowhere? 

This image is a time-lapse created of many sunsets together, this is why the blurred and jagged effect is created within the sky. The yellow to blue colouring of the sky works effectively as they're complimentary colours of one another, therefore they flow into one another and create continuity within the image as a whole. 

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