Tuesday 1 November 2016


  • Zoom lens- a lens whereby the user can change the focal length
  • Standard lens- a lens with a focal length of 50mm is deemed 'normal' this type of lens gives a view similar to that of the naked eye, as this lens doesn't magnify or reduce the image. 
  • Prime lens- this focal length is fixed, therefore the user cannot change this
  • Telephoto lens- a narrow field of view occurs, whilst magnifying the image as this lens obtains a larger focal length in comparison to a standard lens. 

Technological terms:
  • Wide angle-  a short focal length creates this angle, giving a wide field of view also. 
  • Macro- a close up image of an object, which is also of high quality. 
  • Focal length- the distance between the centre of the lens and the subject/object.
  • Field of view- this is what can be seen
  • Denotation- the explicit message of the image.
  • Connotation- the implied message of the image.
  • Stadium- the overall sense of the image, this may include lighting or the overall aesthetic. 
  • Punctum- this is the one thing in the overall photograph which makes the image different, this could be a portrait with a spider in the centre of the individual's face.

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