Tuesday 29 November 2016

Shoot Five - Image Bank

The black and white colouring of this image creates ambiguity and mystery within this photograph, the bleak stare of the girl makes the viewer weary and on edge. In addition the fact that the girl seems to be 'made up' of twigs suggests that she may be lost, as the woods are considered a lonely and bleak place- therefore the fact this girl is the woods suggests she may be lonely or lost. 

The texture in this image makes the overall image more interesting and intriguing to the viewer, as the levels of the trees seem to correlate with the depth on the mans face. The greens and browns combine together well within the photograph as they seem to blend into one another, implying there's continuity in this image; likewise to how the man feels continuity with nature. 

The fact that you cannot see the woman's face may suggest there's a lack of identity surrounding the woman, as people's eyes and faces tell a lot about a person. The flowers which make up the woman suggest she is gentle and kind, as flowers are delicate objects. 

The pink colouring in this image is interesting as it creates a relaxed atmosphere; moreover you cannot see any details of the individual's face, which implies they may not want to be seen as they're hiding behind the beauty of nature; moreover this may imply that she has insecurities and therefore prefers to hide herself away behind other's beauty. 

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