Tuesday 21 June 2016

Sequencing - Straight Images

How I created the image below:

  • Firstly I opened all the images I was going to use on photoshop. 
  • Next I put them all on top of each other, creating layers. I did this by pressing cmd A, then cmd C on the image before pressing cmd V on the image I wish to layer up.
  • After this, I then clicked on the first layer and used the lasso tool to select roughly around the subject.
  • Next, I clicked cmd J and added a new layer mask 
  • After this, you must click edit fill, in order to fill the background black
  • Next, I painted over where the individual was in order to show them through
  • I completed this for all layers of my image in order to achieve the final product. 

ISO- 360
F- 8
Shutter Speed- 1/250

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