Tuesday 21 June 2016

Focal Length Experimentation- Image Bank

Examples of telephoto: 

This is an example of telephoto photography as the frame is narrow, and only focuses on one object with the background being blurred. I like this image as you cannot become distracted by any details in the background, you are only focused on what's in the foreground. 

Fixed Lens:

With fixed lenses they allow you to see things as your eyes do, despite the background being blurred which has probably been edited in photoshop. Fixed lenses are often used in fashion photography or outdoors portraiture. I like the image above as the soft greens contrast harshly with the red/pink of the woman's dress. This image shows a shallow depth of field, as the background is blurred, but the woman is clearly in focus; this is an advantage as you can focus solely on the female. 

Zoom Lens:

Zoom lenses allow you to become closer, or further from the object you wish to focus on. I like the image above as the zoom and blur creates a chaotic feel, mixed with confusion. It almost appears as through the image is moving when you look at it, even though it isn't. Zoom lenses can help isolate the subject/object you wish to focus on, or include all surroundings you possibly can, this shows they're vert versatile. This image is distorted, as the trees are all different angles, this enhances the feeling of chaos in this image, as nothing is 'as it seems'.

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