Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Shoot Three- Image Bank

This photograph is interesting as it's a shaped cloud, whereas the others below are of more 'natural' looking clouds. This image appears innocent, due to the bright blues and pure whites in this photograph; the pure whites suggest purity and innocence, whereas the blue gives the image a playful aspect. This image may be edited in order to achieve the interesting shape of the elephant, this may be something I could explore in my images. The angle which this image is photographed appears to be from the sky, as it's a side on angle of the shaped elephant. 

The clouds in this image appear angry, almost as though they're 'bubbling' up with anger due to their flourishing shape. The deep blues in this image are the majority, compared to the white colours, this implies that there's more anger involved here than calmness. Again, likewise to the previous image above this image appears to have been taken adjacent to the cloud in the air, not from the ground. 

Confusion is portrayed in this photograph, as there's a mixture of greys and whites all in one. The little breaks between each of the clouds may suggest there's hope; however the vast majority of this image is the darker clouds. This photograph appears to have been shot from the ground, therefore the photographer would have been looking up at the clouds pattern, this gives us a different perspective on the clouds and creates inferences in the viewers mind that it may rain, or storm soon; this in itself implies anger and frustration as the rain could be interpreted as tears and the thundering as shouting.

This image is photographed from the ground, looking up at the sky, the use of this angle suggests the sky is dominant and reigns over us as it's above us all. The clouds are not as crisp and easy to view in comparison to others in the other photographs within this image bank, the clouds merge together, this may again suggest confusion as they're not quite sure whether they're individuals, or groups; this is symbolic of everyday life when individuals do not know their identity, or whom they are yet so they stick in a group for support. 

This photograph is very bright- the pure white colouring in this image suggests almost a child-like innocence, complying with the bright blue sky which again symbolises this, as children often learn basic colours initially (e.g. blues, whites, reds, greens) before developing and expanding this (e.g. turquoise, violet), this could also be symbolic of their emotional state as children develop more emotionally as they grow; likewise the sky will develop more throughout the course of the day. The big gap with no clouds in the top left-hand corner creates questions in the viewers head, it's obvious this occurred naturally but the question is why would the photographer intend to leave this in his frame? 

This image obtains more muted colours, like greys and clouded whites, the sun rays are seen coming across the image in a linear fashion from the left to right, the colouring and the position of the sun in this image imply that this photograph may have been shot early morning. The angle of this image suggests this was photographed from above, as the photographer is looking down on the clouds, this may suggest that the photographer wanted control over the clouds, so he went above them, almost to suppress them. The grey tones within this image shows form and tone, as this creates shadows, which again shows the viewer which direction the sun is. 

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